Paper City Investments believes that every city has a different story. We help tell that story by investing time, talent and capital. 




urban Residential acquisitions

we find opportunity in acquiring comfortable and livable homes in corners of the city that have been forgotten.


urban Commercial development

empty lots and abandoned buildings are a city's greatest asset. 


consulting & sales

accomplishing the difficult for our clients didn't make us rich, it made us great.

Warm and spacious units for a classic downtown 


PCI has the ability to put together a top class development team, equity financing and construction financing for even the most complex projects. Focusing on conservative underqritting and cost savings during construction, Paper City can be a valueable team member or equity partner. Paper City Investments is actively seeking Transit Oriented Development opportunities in New Jersey. 



An international Private Equity fund is working with us to achieve a profitable exit.


An international Private Equity firm with a Real Estate division in the United States engaged our Managing Member, Gardner Rivera, MSRED, to aid them in a profitable exit of an Urban Multifamily Portfolio in Paterson, NJ.



Historic cities get a new coat of paint


We are actively in Pre-Development on many projects through out the beautiful cities in New Jersey. 



A city's greatest assets often go ignored. 


At Paper City Investments we help cities by redeveloping vacant lots and buildings. We can create rateables and turn eyesores into sources of pride for the community. Our Team has the capital and expertise to create successful, newsworthy projects. 



Action + Capital make it so.


Our relationship with lending institutions and CRE funds allows us to help with the acquisition and development of non-performing assets. Creating a successful exit creates colleagues, friends and opportunities.